Lose weight in just 28 days*

Yoli Better Body Resolution

This Fall, boost wellness and shed off those unwanted pounds with Yoli’s Better Body System. This includes nutrition guidance, personal coaching, and community support. Enjoy the vibrant support of the Yoli community, daily health tips, easy recipes, and summer-friendly workouts. Transform your health, feel your best and come out a true winner with exciting prizes to bring home during the challenge!

Vote for your favorite Summer BBR Challenger!

Jocelyn C.

Saved by the Better Body System, through Peri-menopause and Beyond

My name is Joy, and this is my Yoli story. Seven years ago, I was 15 pounds overweight, overworked, and stressed. I was struggling to balance personal and professional challenges, often grabbing quick meals or skipping them altogether. Exercise seemed impossible, and I felt like I was merely surviving.

My husband and I were introduced to Yoli by a close friend, and though we were skeptical, we decided to give it a try in December 2016. After two transformation kits and maintaining the regimen, I lost 15 pounds. More importantly, I gained energy, focus, and happiness, which motivated me to exercise and make healthier food choices.

In 2021, after the global challenges we all faced, I experienced a setback and gained 10 pounds. I returned to Yoli, starting my transformation journey anew, and successfully achieved my health goals.

At 46, I faced peri-menopause symptoms—irregular periods, disrupted sleep, hot flashes, and weight gain. I turned to the Yoli Transformation Kit and Better Body System, adding supplements like Flex, Omegas, and Lean Greens to address hormone imbalances. The results were surprising—my symptoms improved significantly.

The Yoli Summer BBR Challenge helped me reboot my lifestyle. Even after the 90-day challenge ended, I continued with healthy habits, including regular exercise, hydration, and positive thinking.

By sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to transform their lives as I have. Life is short, and a healthy lifestyle is key to living joyfully. My journey continues—are you ready to start yours?

Theresa V.

All In From The Start

My name is Theresa, and this is my Yoli story. Before Yoli in 2015, I was an exercise instructor wanting to lose 25 pounds. While I worked out regularly, my eating habits weren’t always healthy. When I heard about the Yoli Better Body System, I was intrigued and decided to join. Within three months, I lost 25 pounds and 16 inches. I felt great and enjoyed shopping for new clothes.

Over the years, I’ve used many Yoli products, but I didn’t always make healthy food choices, leading to weight gain. When the BBR Summer Challenge was announced, I was dealing with knee pain from arthritis, body aches, and low energy due to lack of exercise. I realized I needed to make a change for myself and my family, so I committed fully to the challenge.

Yoli taught me the importance of combining healthy foods, carb cycling, and supplements. My favorite product is Cafe Trim—it tastes great, gives me energy and mental clarity, and curbs my appetite. Since completing the BBR Challenge, I’ve experienced increased energy, no more aches and pains, better sleep, and a more positive outlook on life. I even joined a gym, and my son and I often work out together, sharing in this journey.

My friends and family have been supportive, and I’m eager to share my success with them. I believe I can help others in their health journeys by sharing my experiences and offering support. I would be thrilled if any of them joined me in the next BBR Challenge.

Christopher M.

A Brand New Me

Before the BBR Challenge, I struggled with my health and fitness for years. Overweight and constantly low on energy, even simple activities were exhausting, leaving me frustrated and feeling like I was missing out on life. My name is Chris Morales, and this is my story.

My decision to join the BBR Challenge wasn’t just about losing weight; it was about reclaiming my well-being. A powerful video about life in a nursing home versus on a cruise ship served as a wake-up call, reminding me of the importance of prioritizing health. This realization motivated me to commit to a healthier lifestyle, so I could fully enjoy life with my loved ones.

A family member introduced me to Yoli, and though I was initially skeptical, I embraced the opportunity. The Yoli Transformation Kit, with its comprehensive approach to health and wellness, played a key role in my transformation. It provided meal plans, guidance, and support that helped me achieve holistic health improvements. Now, I have so much energy that I can enjoy playing with my kids after work and even fit in an evening workout.

Thanks to Yoli, I’ve lost over 25 pounds, gained energy, and improved my overall health. My friends and family have been incredibly supportive, and they’ve noticed the positive changes in me, which have inspired them too.

I encourage others to join me on their transformation journey by sharing my experience and the support and community that Yoli offers. It has been life-changing for me, and it can be for them too.

Asela B.

Resilient Me

My name is Asela and this is my before yoli story. As a cancer survivor, I never really thought I can bounce back. Caring for my family and others as a nurse full time can take tow on our body. During the Pandemic, I neglected myself and I am always tired and not having enough energy resulting me to over eat. I stoped exercising and had to fight viral infection few times last year. I did not gain weight but added few inches together with pre menopausal hormones.

I was introduced to Yoli in 2015 by my worker, good friend, Kuya Ron Ranin. Me being skeptical, I said “NO” at first until I realized that I needed it.

In 2019, I started my first Tkit and lost 26 lbs. This 2024 BBR challenge I lost 2 lbs, gain my energy back and lost inches on my waist and gain my 2 lbs again, this time it’s the muscles weight. My circle of friends and family notice that I can dance and do Zumba non stop for 1 to 2 hours straight. 

My not so secret favorite product is the Alkalete and passion before a work out. It helps me with my energy,  stamina and faster recovery.   Some of my friends who share there personal health struggles. I have asked them if they believe in supplementation then invited few of them to look into yoli when they show interest on what I did. 

Dana B.

Chronically Strong

My name is Dana, and this is my Yoli story. Over the past 13 years, I’ve faced life-threatening situations four times and battled debilitating chronic illnesses, leading to severe PTSD and anxiety. My health has fluctuated drastically, which took a toll on my heart due to a cardiovascular disorder. I also suffered from migraines and a chronic headache that started when my daughter was 2 and lasted for years. After exhausting medical options, I felt defeated.

A close friend, Shelby, who has been like a sister to me, recommended Yoli. Trusting her, I decided to give it a try. My first Yoli Transformation Kit, about nine years ago, made a significant difference in how I felt. However, life got in the way, and I struggled with consistency. After a tough bout with COVID in 2020, I knew I needed to support my body instead of fighting it. I returned to Yoli, starting with Alkalete, then a T-Kit, and eventually adding multiple products. The Collagen, in particular, has been a game-changer for my early-onset osteoarthritis, caused by my autoimmune disorder.

This spring, my health took a turn, resulting in weight gain due to an inability to exercise. When the 90-day challenge started on my 41st birthday, I took it as a sign to focus on consistent eating habits. During the challenge, I lost nearly 20 pounds and multiple inches, but more importantly, I gained confidence, health, and motivation. My friends and family noticed the positive changes, both physically and emotionally.

Helping others through their own health journeys has been incredibly rewarding, and I’m grateful to share the benefits of Yoli with those I care about.

Joyce S.

Menopause to Motivation: My Weight Loss Breakthrough

Hi everyone, I’m Joyce, and I want to share my journey. After hitting menopause, losing weight became a real struggle. Despite my best efforts, those extra pounds just wouldn’t budge. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) made it even tougher, and I felt stuck in a never-ending battle. Seeing the weight I’d previously lost come back was frustrating, and the mood swings and low energy started affecting my family life.

That’s when I decided to give Yoli another shot by joining the BBR challenge. I had used Yoli products before and remembered how great they made me feel. One of my favorite things is starting my day with the Passion energy drink—it’s a perfect morning boost. The daily shakes are also easy and fun to make, mixing them with fruits or avocados to stay on track with my weight loss goals.

Thanks to Yoli, I’m not only losing weight but also feeling more energized and confident. The progress wasn’t overnight, but the steady changes have been transformative. My mood has improved, and my family life is thriving. My husband even helps with meal prep, and my kids encourage me to get my workouts in. Their support has been incredible, and the compliments from friends and family about my weight loss, muscle tone, and overall glow have been so uplifting.

I feel stronger, healthier, and more vibrant than I have in a long time, and I’m so grateful for the positive impact Yoli has had on my life. If you’re feeling stuck or need a boost, I encourage you to give Yoli a try. It’s made such a difference for me, and I’d love to see you experience the same positive changes. If you have any questions or want to chat, I’m here to support you on your transformation journey!

Jill L.

Gaining back what I had given up on… ME!

My name is Jill, and this is my Yoli story. I was full of anxiety, stress, and worry. I was overweight, bloated, irritable, and very unhealthy, living with daily migraines. I wasn’t sleeping well, and I had given up on taking care of myself to focus on my girls. I was tired, achy, and crabby, and I realized I needed to make a change for both myself and my family. I was anxious about following my family’s history of heart problems, and I knew I had to start taking care of myself to be there for my girls.

I discovered Yoli just over three years ago, and it transformed my life. I fell in love with the system and products, especially the 28-day transformation kit, Cafe Trim, Alkalete, and Pure. These products have eliminated my bloat and migraines, reduced my aches, and improved my focus. I’ve lost over 35 pounds, more than 21 inches, and gained energy, better sleep, and peace of mind. I no longer need anxiety medication, although the typical mom worries remain.

This journey wasn’t just about me—it was a family lifestyle change. I’ve gained knowledge about healthier food choices, and my kids have become more aware of what they eat. We’ve cut out processed and fast foods, and the positive changes in our lives are visible. My family and friends have noticed how slim, happy, and glowing I’ve become, and some are interested in joining me on this journey.

I’m thankful, grateful, and blessed to share my story and help others discover the transformation they seek.

Theresa E.

New Me Feeling Great

My name is Theresa and this is my before Yoli story. I had been feeling sluggish and just blah before I started Yoli. I was talking to my cousin, and she suggested I try Pure since I was having so many gut issues. I didn’t have a lot of energy before Yoli either and just didn’t feel like doing much with my family or doing things for myself. I actually dealt with some gut pain here and there because it was just not doing well with the current probiotic I was taking.

My cousins had been using Yoli products for about a year and then talked to me about them. I have always had gut issues so they suggested I try Pure instead of the current probiotic I was using. They also suggested Thermoburn to help with my energy levels. I love all the products so really hard to say just one. I love Yes shakes because they are the only shakes I have ever used that taste like chocolate and not cardboard! They help keep me full and satisfied for hours.

Doing the BBR not only helped me eat better but made me realize what ingredients to stay away from and come to find out, sugar is what was causing my biggest gut issue! I can’t thank Yoli enough for not only teaching me the right way to eat, but for also teaching me what to avoid and why! I share Yoli all the time when I am asked what I am doing to look good and for losing weight. I tell people it’s all about learning and using products that are the best for us, which is Yoli!!


Lost & Found

Before I started this challenge, I felt lost. I was going through some emotional & physical challenges that kept me in this dark Space.   I’ve done challenges before, but not like this one. The prize was VERY nice, I’ve never seen so much giveaways with Yoli in a challenge, but it’s not why I started. I needed to get my mind occupied positively. I knew I wanted this change and challenge. The prize was a bonus, but the real prize was to see if I could do it for 90 days and what my mind, body & health would be like with my disability. I feel confident in my body now even tho I’m not how I was 2 years ago without a cane, but I’m happier, I feel inspired to keep continuing. I want to lose a bit more and all my fitted clothes are now in style, the baggy clothes trend so o didn’t need to go shopping. lol 

I love the Transformation kit, it’s my go-to for anything to start with on a new challenge or change. I first discovered Yoli in the beginning when Yoli was just being talked about. My brother introduced me to Yoli, and I’m a huge believer of Gut health, and everything starts with our gut. Alkalete, pure, our whey shakes, thermo burn and enzymes is my ultimate favorite.  

My health benefits are that I feel more energy, lighter, clothes feel better, my gut isn’t bloated.   People know how much I love Yoli and I choose yoli over any products out there.   Everyone has problems, I can relate to most, and share the experience what I’ve been going through. I tell them how Yoli has helped me personally.  Giving people samples to taste helps.   

Rowena R.

30-60-90…..   MY DESTINY 

In early 2017, I was introduced to Yoli by a nurse cousin who, along with her husband, had great success with the Yoli Transformation Kit. Despite their results, I declined, believing that as a doctor, I could manage my health on my own. But in July of that year, I was diagnosed with diabetes, with a fasting blood sugar level of 15.62. Even with medication, my levels never normalized, hovering between 8 and 9, because I refused to change my lifestyle and eating habits. When my cousin offered the Yoli Kit again, I still said no.

In 2019, my diabetic mother passed away from complications, leaving us with financial struggles and emotional trauma. At her deathbed, I promised myself that I would never let my health decline the way hers did. But it wasn’t until the pandemic hit in 2020, and after surviving a severe bout of COVID-19, that I realized I truly needed to take control of my health.

In 2024, my cousin offered Yoli once more, and this time, I said yes. I began my journey with Yoli in May 2024, joining the BBR Challenge. Within 26 days, my blood sugar dropped to a normal level of 5.1, and after 30 days, I lost 12 pounds. The benefits were undeniable—my GERD disappeared, and I felt energized and excited about life again. By the 83rd day, I had lost 21 pounds, and my friends were amazed at my transformation.

This journey has been a revelation for me. It took me seven years to say yes to Yoli, but it’s changed my life. I’ve learned that health is a lifelong commitment, and I’m determined to continue sharing and inspiring others. Life is beautiful, and I’m living proof that it’s never too late to take charge of your health. Your destiny starts now.

Tanya H.

Getting Back The Real Me

My name is Tanya Haessly. My weight has been an up and down journey My whole adult life. I have birthed 10 children, gaining a lot of weight during and after pregnancies. After our youngest child was killed 6 years ago depression ate away at my health. 2 years ago a friend told me about Yoli. I needed to be there for my other kids and I needed to be healthy and active with them. 

A friend introduced me to Yoli. I’m a big fan of the Passion Water and Yes Shakes. They taste great and are convenient. I am feeling better, not just physically but in my mindset too. I’m receiving lots of positive feedback from my friends and family. I have shared the Yoli website with several of my friends.

Lynda K.

I Can Do It, So Can You!

Hi, my name is Lynda Keenan and this is my Yoli story. Like many of the challengers, I was tired of being tired. The Invite to the BBR challenge showed up in my email and I said Yes, I am going to do this. I decided it was time to show up and be present in my life. I can’t quite explain why the timing was right or the program was right or the Facebook support group was right, or the products were right. It just all was and it still Is. I believe it is as simple as just doing it, one day at a time, one choice at a time, and keep going.

I first learned about Yoli in 2010 from a very good friend. I have been using Alkalete since then. I now fuel start each day with Yoli Cafe. And then on to the Yes shake and of course the supplements and keeping hydrated with Passion. The T-Pack was perfect for setting me up for success with the challenge. Many programs I have tried in the past felt like all or nothing. That mindset would mess with my head and ultimately end with nothing. This is different, this is life (ironically, the meaning of Yoli). You follow the basic program with what you have on hand, and it works. I lost 21.5 lbs. and 27 in. during the 90-day challenge.

It is not what I lost that is most important to me; it is what I have gained. I can honor a commitment to myself, I can wake up in the morning without headaches, and I can have this stamina to do hard things. I just can do! It was a mixture of education, solid products, stellar support, and the accountability factor of checking in and walking the journey with other like-minded individuals that was the key to my success. Who wants to join me in September for the Fall challenge?

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